
Posts Tagged ‘Philando Castile’

An awful week in the U.S.

July 8, 2016 Leave a comment

A very tough week in the U.S. Two shooting deaths of black men by police officers in Louisiana and Minneapolis, and then five officers killed by a sniper at at protest in Dallas. It’s hard to put into words how I’m feeling–sad, upset, angry, confused, outraged… This violence is too much, and it’s got to stop.

I have so much respect for the police. They have one of the most difficult jobs out there, and mostly it’s completely thankless. They put themsevles in dangerous situations, in the line of fire, all for trying to keep people safe. Sometimes, however, people think the police have it out for them, and instead of trying to protect, they are being targeted. As the girlfriend of Philando Castile said, she thought the police were out to assassinate them. I can only try to imagine what it’s like to be black, and to be racially profiled. I’ve never experienced it, but hearing the stories makes me sick. Yes, things have to change, but killing innocent people doing their jobs, protecting people from danger? THAT IS NOT THE ANSWER. Absolutely none of these deaths needed to happen this week. One guy is selling CDs outside of a convenience store; another guy gets pulled over for a broken tail light; police officers are gunned down by a sniper. This has to stop. IT HAS TO.